August 14, 2008

Will the Real Women of God Please Stand Up!

This is so off topic, but the burning on the inside of me has to let it out...

On my way to work this morning I thought about my position in this world. For so long I've wanted what most of us want and that's to be seen. We all want some type of recognition, because it's a form of acceptance, but when we do things through on our own accord there is no power behind it.

Where is the power in our women today? Some of us think it is between our legs or the ability to turn heads when we walk in a room, but what happens after that? When the beauty fades or the next young thang comes walking up in the club that used to be your stomping ground? What happens then?

As a woman, I know the power that lies on the inside of you. We are creatures of great influence, but are we using it for His glory or our own? Ladies, this world is hurting. There are children out here looking for us to stand for what matter most and that is God. I know somedays it seems like He is not there, but He is. The relationship we need to have with Him is always there waiting for us to turn on our faith to receive it. It's like a light switch. Even when the light is off there is still power running through those wires.

Even when you are off, thinking its all about you, there is still power running through the inside of you just waiting for the moment for you to turn it on.

Where are the real women of God? I need you. This world need you. Our children need you. Please stand, and if you get knocked down along the way, please take your rightful position and STAND again. Storms will come, but they are designed to build resistance and make you stronger.

Will you stand with me?